About Us

About Us

Health and Wellness Organization is a non-political, community-based organization established with the aim of empowering and improving the livelihoods of the youth in our community. We are dedicated to equipping young individuals with social, health, and wellness skills while reaching out to other communities as well.

Our Vision

We envision a community where the youth are equipped with the necessary tools for personal and societal development. Through our initiatives, we aim to empower and transform the lives of young individuals, fostering peaceful coexistence within our community.

Our Mission

Health and Wellness Organization is committed to being a catalyst for positive change. We strive to nurture, empower, and transform the lives of the youth and the wider community. Through various programs and projects, we promote social, educational, and economic development, while raising awareness on critical issues such as civic education, HIV and AIDS, gender-based …

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Election and Electoral Process

We believe in democratic practices within our organization. The election of office bearers occurs every three years, ensuring that leadership positions remain fresh and engaged. We value transparency and fair representation in our elections. All members have the right to vote through a secret ballot, ensuring the freedom to choose their representatives. Gender balance and …

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Official Duties

Our organization operates with a dedicated team of office bearers who are responsible for steering our initiatives forward. The key positions include: Chairperson: The executive head and spokesperson of the organization, providing leadership, chairing meetings, and coordinating all organizational activities. Vice Chairperson: Assists the Chairperson and assumes their duties when necessary. Secretary: Handles organization correspondences, …

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Regular meetings are essential for collaboration and progress. Our organization holds monthly meetings where all office bearers come together to discuss important matters related to our objectives. Annual meetings, involving all members, provide an opportunity to review progress and make significant decisions. Special meetings can also be convened when necessary to address urgent matters. We …

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Sources of Funds

To sustain our initiatives and projects, our organization relies on various sources of funds, including member registration fees, subscriptions, donations, fundraisings, support from friends and well-wishers, investments, and other approved sources. All funds are utilized based on decisions made by the Management Board

Engaging Minds, Inspiring Leadership

At Health and Wellness Organization, we firmly believe in the transformative power of knowledge and personal growth. Through our workshops, skill development programs, and mentorship initiatives, we actively engage our members and provide them with valuable tools for success. By participating in these activities, individuals have the opportunity to acquire new skills, gain valuable insights, …

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